Our salon is conveniently located and easily accessible by public transport Just a 5-minute walk from Nyugati Train Station. A 5-minute walk from the 4-6 tram stop. Only a 10-minute walk from the Parliament.
Street parking is available via parking meters. Alternatively, you can use the WestEnd Mall parking garage nearby.
Stations: Nyugati
Street parking is available via parking meters.
Alternatively, you can use the WestEnd Mall parking garage nearby.
Főtaxi: +36 (1) 2222-222 (300Ft/km)
Taxi Plus: +36 (1) 8888-000 (300Ft/km)
Budapest Taxi: +36 (1) 777-7777 (300Ft/km)
City Taxi: +36 (1 ) 2-111-111 (300Ft/km)
Basic fee: 700 Ft
Just a 5-minute walk from Nyugati Train Station.
A 5-minute walk from the 4-6 tram stop.
Only a 10-minute walk from the Parliament.
Erotic massage is NOT sex massage! Erotische Massage ist NICHT Sex Massage! – Massaggio erotico NON è il massaggio sessuale!